A Personal Note about: Supersilent - 13


A Personal Note are thoughts, feelings, reflections and insights to our releases written by Smalltown Supersound’s founder.
I have been a big fan of Supersilent since their start in the mid-90s. Actually one of the few compilations they have ever been involved with was the Smalltown Supersound compilation Le Jazz Non, A Compilation Of Norwegian Noise. Supersilent has always been characterised as jazz. I have never seen them as that. For me they are their own genre. In their own world. They sound like nothing else. The only word I can use to describe them is cosmic. Supersilent is a perfect fit with Smalltown Supersound and we`re honoured that we now get to work with them. 13 is another mastodon in their ongoing series of reaching out. Far out.
Joakim Haugland
Oslo - September 2016